Given by Clyde Kilough
Every person who ever lived has their own unique identity. But what is our identity as the people of God? The meaning of Pentecost offers important insight to God's perspective.
Given by David Johnson
While formal education in a classroom has its place, Christians are supposed to learn from life. But learning involves more than acquiring head-knowledge. Complete learning enables us to share what we have learned with others. How well have we learned the special truths revealed in Scripture?
Given by Joel Meeker
Differences in languages have caused division since the Tower of Babel. Words have and are used as weapons. What will bring about true and godly unity among people, and cause people of all languages to serve Him?
Given by David Johnson
We all know that weekly Sabbath services are important, but why does God specifically call them "holy convocations?" What does it actually mean to "worship"God? If we're supposed to "remember" the Sabbath in advance in order to be properly prepared, are we supposed to prepare for the holy convocation? And finally, why do...
Given by Britton Taylor
“Be you therefore perfect” is the goal set before us. This sermon asks and answers the question, “What do we do and why do we do it”?
Given by David Johnson
With the emphasis Scripture places upon unity, it is clear that all of us have a responsibility to promote godly unity in the Church. Unity is strengthened by shared beliefs, values, and actions, but is that all there is? What about intergenerational unity? What does God expect of the different age groups that make up the Church today?
Given by Britton Taylor
Do you have the faith for God to heal you? Do you have the faith for God not to heal you?
Given by Ralph Levy
God gave a commission to Jonah, the reluctant prophet. Yet everyone in the book does what they are told to do by God, except for Jonah himself. It’s a book that’s full of ironies – and lessons for Christians in this twenty-first century.
Given by Jim Franks
How is your prayer life? We often fail to appreciate the importance of fervent, effectual prayers.