
1:04:57 Rejoice!


Given by Ralph Levy

What is rejoicing? When should we rejoice? Is our rejoicing based on the physical or the spiritual? Or both? This sermon addresses these questions, and explains what it is for Christians to rejoice.

1:05:52 Truth or Error and Falling Away

Truth or Error and Falling Away

Given by Jim Franks

The Bible speaks about the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. We also read about falling away. How do you recognize truth and how do you recognize error? And what is meant by falling away?

1:13:12 Prayer That Avails Much

Prayer That Avails Much

Given by David Johnson

James speaks of "prayer that avails much," implying that some prayers are more effective than others. So how effective is your prayer? Jesus instructed His disciples in how to pray, so that instruction should produce prayer that avails much. Let's see what that kind of prayer should be like.

58:25 Satan: The Master of Identity Theft

Satan: The Master of Identity Theft

Given by Ralph Levy

The devil is the master impostor, an expert in identity theft. From false gods and goddesses inherited from paganism, through a spirit impersonating Samuel, through the end-time Beast, he loves to invade the identity of others. The Day of Atonement tells us of a time when his identity theft will come to an end.

1:02:18 The Sabbath: A Day of Worship

The Sabbath: A Day of Worship

Given by Jim Franks

The Sabbath is a very important day. It is holy time and a day to worship and honor God the Father.

1:09:40 I Did Not Come to be Served, but to Serve

I Did Not Come to be Served, but to Serve

Given by Joel Meeker

Jesus said He did not come to be served but to serve. This underscores how important serving others is to the plan of God. What does the Bible teach about service?

1:09:35 Keeping the Feast in Babylon

Keeping the Feast in Babylon

Given by Clyde Kilough

Among the Jews taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar were men and women like Daniel, who had remained faithful to God. Keeping the Feasts of God certainly had to be a different, and challenging experience in Babylon, yet in the book of Daniel we find four major themes that directly relate to us today as we observe the same festivals.

1:07:52 Don't Eat the Marshmallow

Don't Eat the Marshmallow

Given by Ralph Levy

Try tempting children not to eat a marshmallow for 15 minutes, in exchange for two marshmallows later. It's an important lesson for kids -- and for Christians.

1:04:49 Stay on the Path (FI Baccalaureate Sermon)

Stay on the Path (FI Baccalaureate Sermon)

Given by Jim Franks

Instructions for FI graduates. Stay on the path, the narrow way.