
59:44 Second and Third Tithes

Second and Third Tithes

Given by Nathan Willoughby

49:26 The Aberration

The Aberration

Given by Phil Sandilands

43:25 Lessons From Hezekiah

Lessons From Hezekiah

Given by Greg Sargent

Rarely do you find this many verses concerning the life of a biblical figure as this King of Judah—Hezekiah. Following are three lessons we can learn from reading his life’s story: 1) Don’t blame your parents; you have a choice, 2) God gave your enemies their victories; He can also take their strength way and 3) Prospering too much can...

1:10:53 THE Answer

THE Answer

Given by Mark Winner

God is the solution to all life's problems and challenges. It is our job to seek Him through prayer, Bible study, and obedience. The closer a relationship we establish, the more we will come to see God as the answer.

1:01:40 Worship in Spirit and Truth

Worship in Spirit and Truth

Given by Ray Harris

We can only be true worshippers of God if we worship Him in Spirit and Truth. This means we can only do this if we have God's Holy Spirit and keep His word, the Truth as written in the scriptures of the Bible. In this sermon, we examine this subject in some detail so that it is clear in our...

31:59 The Beatitudes of Revelation

The Beatitudes of Revelation

Given by Robert Harvey

Many people are familiar with the Beatitudes. Most would be surprised to know there are beatitudes in the book of Revelation. In this study, there is a review of what a beatitude actually is and then we go through the ones that are found in Revelation.

59:09 Answering for Your Hope

Answering for Your Hope

Given by Ken Treybig

Deut 6 said to diligently teach about God's way. Let’s explore this passage some today. WHY would God give this instruction? What’s so important about God’s words—and what’s the big deal about accurately passing them along to the next generation?

47:36 Our ‘Love of the Truth’ Will Protect Us From Deception

Our ‘Love of the Truth’ Will Protect Us From Deception

Given by Don Henson

Review of how we can have the strength Jesus spoke of in Luke 21. Paul’s teaches in 1 Thessalonians 2 that those who love of the truth will be able to avoid Satan’s powerful deception at the end of the age.

1:05:49 The Seven Elements of the Family Zone

The Seven Elements of the Family Zone

Given by Clyde Kilough

“The zone” was a term we once used to describe the environment we wanted to create for our kids at camp. It created a prime atmosphere for them to be responsive to God’s teaching and way of life. But it’s not just for camp—the seven elements of “the zone” work in families too.