Given by John Duncan
Given by Mark Whynaucht
Time has been described as the passage of physical bodies through space. I think when we look at what the Bible has to say, which is a lot, it becomes a deeply spiritual subject. God views time differently than we do, and I believe our approach in life will change, as we grasp the way He looks at a time.
Given by Don Henson
Revelation 12 prophesies that at the end of the age they church will be taken into the wilderness to be nourished for 3 ½ years. Just what is “the place of safety?”
Given by Taylor Tootle
As we end this summer camp season and preparing for the Fall Holy Days, this is a self-examination sermon based on this year's camp theme "Run the Race, Obtain the Prize"
Given by Dave Pennington
Given by Bruce Gore
Consistency is very important in our lives. The world is always changing. The Bible tells us that Christ never changes (Heb 13:8). We need to insure that we stay consistent in our walk with God.
Given by Larry Lambert
Some of the most shocking news reports that we have heard in our lifetime were the breaking news reports surrounding the 9/11 terror attacks. Most adults can remember exactly where they were at when they heard the news that a plane had crashed into one of the twin towers in New York. There is another event that will occur in the...
Given by Greg Sargent
The Bible is separated into two basic sections, the Old Testament (Covenant) and the New Testament (Covenant). The Old Covenant is a type of the new—Moses leads Israel out of Egypt toward the promised land after which God gives Israel the 10 Commandment covenant. Fulfillment of the type—Jesus Christ in the four gospels preaches the promise of God’s...
Given by Phil Sandilands