
44:14 Tithing, Part One

Tithing, Part One

Given by Paul Carter

This split sermon covers the basis of tithing, and explains the first tithe. This is part one of two sermons on tithing.

1:00:12 God of All Comfort

God of All Comfort

Given by Don Henson

1:01:12 Being Positive

Being Positive

Given by John Foster

Being positive is more than just having positive and constructive thoughts, but it is a way of life and a character trait we all need to have.

58:17 Are You Content?

Are You Content?

Given by Dave Myers

One sage wrote: “There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness.” Are you content?

1:08:53 Bible Study: Worshiping God Before the Tabernacle

Bible Study: Worshiping God Before the Tabernacle

Given by Don Henson

58:14 He Delivers the Righteous Out of All Their Trials

He Delivers the Righteous Out of All Their Trials

Given by Doug Johnson

There are some verses that deal with trials. Since we know God’s Word is always correct, what are we missing if we don’t understand His meaning?

1:07:06 The Role of a Deacon

The Role of a Deacon

Given by Dave Myers

A need in the early New Testament church inspired the apostles to establish a new office of service – that of deacon and deaconess. In this sermon we will examine this office as well as the congregation’s role in the process.

33:37 Prayer of Forgiveness

Prayer of Forgiveness

Given by Craig Wolgemuth

How should we pray for those who have taken advantage of us, or "done us wrong?" This message explores this subject.

30:47 A Mature Christian

A Mature Christian

Given by Ron McNeill

This message focuses on some of the qualities of a mature Christian, and the growth process in becoming more like Jesus Christ.