
58:20 Context, Pre-Passover Preparation

Context, Pre-Passover Preparation

Given by Britton Taylor

To properly examine our spiritual well-being we need to know context. We need to know how far have I come to salvation. With God's help we strive for perfection; the example that Christ set for us.

57:47 Is Your Cause Christ's Cause?

Is Your Cause Christ's Cause?

Given by Ralph Levy

It can be all too easy to get distracted and adopt the wrong cause. Is our cause the same as Christ's cause? How do we make sure our cause is the same as that of our Savior?

1:03:14 Why Don't We Apply the Golden Rule?

Why Don't We Apply the Golden Rule?

Given by Joel Meeker

The Golden Rule is a powerful command and a key to maintaining peace between people. Yet it is not applied as often as it should be. Why is that, and how can we better apply it?

1:16:29 Ageless Lessons for Modern Predictors

Ageless Lessons for Modern Predictors

Given by Clyde Kilough

None of us are prophets, but we should be predictors - people who can look at the signs and discern the consequences. The events at the end of the book of Judges offer some striking parallels to our world today, and lessons that should help us discern what we as God's people need to be doing.

1:10:22 Join the Resistance!

Join the Resistance!

Given by Joel Meeker

Like a conquering army, Satan and his forces have spiritually occupied the world, a fact most people cannot understand. God calls some people to resist Satan's occupation. Join the resistance!

57:01 Limiting the Holy One

Limiting the Holy One

Given by David Johnson

Psalm 78 tells us to remember and teach that Israel frequently faltered because they limited the Holy One of Israel. Do we ever do the same thing? Scripture tells us many things God is "able" to do, but that isn't the full picture. God's "ability" should have a profound impact on how we live.

1:05:11 Search for the Human Soul

Search for the Human Soul

Given by Jim Franks

The truth is that man does not have an immortal soul, but God will offer salvation to everyone. Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day tell us that.

1:10:25 Run in Such a Way

Run in Such a Way

Given by Clyde Kilough

Paul often drew on athletic competitions as metaphors for our spiritual race. During the Olympics we are reminded of some of the great lessons of life as we run our race.

1:10:08 It's About Time

It's About Time

Given by David Johnson

Though God is eternal, He has chosen to work out His plan for bringing many sons to glory in the dimension of time. The eternal God has given temporal men the precious gift of time. How are we using the gift of time God has given to us? What does Scripture tell us about time that the time management experts...