
57:46 God Speaks to Us

God Speaks to Us

Given by John Foster

Some have asked how God speaks to us today. The answer is revealed in what the scriptures tell us.

1:06:12 Healing, and Our Part in the Process

Healing, and Our Part in the Process

Given by Nathan Willoughby

1:09:59 Materialism vs. the Existence of God

Materialism vs. the Existence of God

Given by Rick Avent

59:32 Hold Fast to That Which Is Good

Hold Fast to That Which Is Good

Given by Jim Franks

Christ questioned whether He would find faith on earth when He returned. A major part of faith is holding on. And in our society today, it is holding on to that which is good. The book of Hebrews has a lot to say about both faith and endurance.

46:57 Hope During Adversity

Hope During Adversity

Given by Steve McNeely

The story of a tanker split in two and the rescue of the men trapped on the stern yields some lessons about hope in adversity. What are the specifics we hope for?

1:07:11 Just Admit You’re Wrong

Just Admit You’re Wrong

Given by Dave Myers

The hardest thing for a human to do is to admit he is wrong. Why do we not want to admit when we are wrong? What do we typically do to avoid admitting we are wrong? What does God expect us to do when we are wrong?

1:00:10 On This Side of the Kingdom, Be Diligent

On This Side of the Kingdom, Be Diligent

Given by Dave Pennington

1:00:18 What Is the Difference Between the Kingdom of God and Our Democratic Republic?

What Is the Difference Between the Kingdom of God and Our Democratic Republic?

Given by Phil Sandilands

58:05 Interested Observers, Not Invested Participants

Interested Observers, Not Invested Participants

Given by Doug Johnson

Jesus Christ told Pontius Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world…” What did He mean? How does that translate to the 21-century world in which we live? And what about Paul’s admonitions to pray for worldly leaders? After all, the Roman emperor at the time was Nero! What would God expect of those He calls to His way...