
45:02 Making the Best Feast Ever

Making the Best Feast Ever

Given by Matt Pavlik

What are the ingredients to the best Feast of Tabernacle?

59:15 Trumpets: Greatest Turning Point in Human History

Trumpets: Greatest Turning Point in Human History

Given by Ken Treybig

The Feast of Trumpets pictures events that will make all other 'turning points in history' pale into insignificance. It's the time God Himself intervenes directly and visibly in human affairs.

1:01:09 The Book of Life

The Book of Life

Given by Matt Zollner

The Bible describes a book in heaven that lists the names of those who will receive eternal life. Is our name in that book?

1:11:36 Feast of Trumpets 2020

Feast of Trumpets 2020

Given by Paul Carter

The Feast of Trumpets is a pivotal Holy Day, and in its fulfillment will change the world, and all creation, for eternity.

54:42 The Day of Reward

The Day of Reward

Given by Phil Sandilands

1:03:15 Trumpets - Do You Remember?

Trumpets - Do You Remember?

Given by Dave Myers

God tells us the Feast of Trumpets is a ‘reminder.’ What are we to be reminded of as we keep this day holy?

1:06:44 Trumpets and You

Trumpets and You

Given by Doug Johnson

**Feast of Trumpets** How personally do we take the meanings of God's holy days? Do we see how we fit into the bigger picture? Can we visualize the fulfillment of prophecies as participants in God's great future? We must!

46:48 What Solomon Forgot About Being Happy

What Solomon Forgot About Being Happy

Given by Steve McNeely

For all his God-given wisdom, Solomon missed some very important principles.

37:51 Keeping the Fall Holy Days

Keeping the Fall Holy Days

Given by John Foster

God has invited us to His Holy Days, and He reveals to us when and why they should be kept. These are the truths we need to be reminded of each year