Given by Mark Whynaucht
Conversion is a process that takes work. We need to not only be converted, but to be living a converted life. The next time you get discouraged and wonder “am I even converted?” stop… and look at your life. Chances are you see some of these things in your life, maybe not to the extent you would like or expect,...
Given by Ron Kelley
What are the top three proofs used to prove from the Bible that Sunday is the Day of Worship? What are the top three proofs used to prove from the Bible that Saturday is the Day of Worship? We’ll examine each and conclude who is right and why it matters. Our lives depend on knowing.
Given by Mike Machin
Being righteous in the eyes of God is what we should care about. Mankind has their own views. Judgements must be made. Distinctions must be made.
Given by Chad Messerly
Bible Study - The Kings of Israel and Judah (#3) - 1 Samuel 12-13
Given by Chad Messerly
It has long been understood that taking God’s name refers to the words that come out of our mouths. But is there more to it? Is there more to ‘taking God’s name’ in our lives?
Given by Michael Hanisko
Given by Jeff Yost
We can learn six great lessons from the Church at Philippi. The six chapters in Philippians are packed with lessons of Christian living.
Given by Michael Hanisko
Given by Matt Pavlik
Selfishness: A Process of Improvement