
51:41 Liberty Through Law

Liberty Through Law

Given by Ken Treybig

Independence Day in the US celebrates liberty. Liberty is a very popular concept in our human realm. Type that word into a search engine and you’ll get 100s of millions of hits. Google brings back nearly 700 million. Liberty from Britain was important to the American colonies. It was also important to ancient Israel and is an important topic in...

57:03 Biblical Food Laws

Biblical Food Laws

Given by Phil Sandilands

1:16:05 Can Fellowship and Joy Be Taken Away?

Can Fellowship and Joy Be Taken Away?

Given by Doug Johnson

What are some of God's commands about His "appointed feasts" and church services on His "holy times?" Doesn't He command us to rejoice and to share in fellowship with Him, with His Son Jesus Christ, and with each other? Who would want us to disobey those commands? What are we going to do about it?

1:23:40 Colossians and the Holy Spirit of God (Part 6)

Colossians and the Holy Spirit of God (Part 6)

Given by David Jackson

55:43 What Do We Depend On?

What Do We Depend On?

Given by Dave Pennington

53:03 We Are the Salt of the Earth

We Are the Salt of the Earth

Given by Caleb Froedge

Technically salt does not lose it’s saltiness so what did Christ mean when He said, we are the salt of the earth and if salt loses its flavor it is good for nothing? What are some of the qualities of salt and how does this pertain to our calling? What spiritual qualities must never fade away with us?

1:04:17 Origins of the Doctrine of the Trinity

Origins of the Doctrine of the Trinity

Given by Don Henson

40:31 Bible Study: Psalm 119 - A Spiritual Prayer Guide

Bible Study: Psalm 119 - A Spiritual Prayer Guide

Given by Jon Pinelli

Prayer is a lifeline with God. It enhances and deepens our relationship with God. What should we pray for, spiritually speaking? A passage of Psalm 119 gives us an excellent seven point outline. This Bible Study explores this outline.

55:59 What Is Real Repentance?

What Is Real Repentance?

Given by Dave Myers

Repentance is critically important for entrance into the family of God. What is it and what must we do?