
1:00:44 Are Our Children Called?

Are Our Children Called?

Given by Tom Clark

We examine the Scriptures to see whether the children of Church members are "called" of God, and in what sense they are "called."

1:04:56 The Songs of Ascent

The Songs of Ascent

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

There is a group of 15 Psalms, numbers 120-134, that is called the songs of “ascent”, or “degrees”. They are short psalms, certainly compared to the immediately preceding one, Psalm 119. In these songs of ascent, we find many thoughts and themes that are appropriate and helpful to us as we conclude God’s feast season. May these inspired thoughts, from the...

1:04:37 The Two Trees, The Red Parking Lot and the Last Great Day

The Two Trees, The Red Parking Lot and the Last Great Day

Given by Doug Johnson

Have you ever looked for something you had no hope of finding--because you were looking in the wrong place? If you have, you can more deeply appreciate the beauty of God's Plan for all who have lived and died without knowing what He intends for all His children.

1:30:07 Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Given by Mark Winner

Is there anything that would cause you to give up the vision God has given you of your future? Whether we realize it or not the answer is yes, unless we guard against it. This sermon quickly touches on 15 points that that could cause any of us to do just that...give up on our future. Don't give up...don't...

56:38 Satan's Rule Will Come to an End

Satan's Rule Will Come to an End

Given by Mark Winner

The Day of Atonement shows how today's smorgasbord of religious options will be removed as Satan is bound and his deceptions stopped.

1:09:49 The New Covenant Day of Atonement

The New Covenant Day of Atonement

Given by David Johnson

Since much of the scriptural instruction about the Day of Atonement is given in the Old Testament,. People may tend to think of it as an ancient ritual. However, a true understanding of this day and what the book of Hebrews says about it can help us have a new appreciation for the message it teaches, and a deeper realization...

1:02:56 Fasting and the Day of Atonement

Fasting and the Day of Atonement

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

The spiritual value of fasting and Day of Atonement offering in the Old Testament.

1:00:25 Repentance and Dead Works

Repentance and Dead Works

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

Any deed or thought or attitude not motivated and energized by the Holy Spirit of God is a "dead" work, as it leads to death, not eternal life. Christians should repent of producing such fruits of death, and strive, with the help of God's Spirit to bring forth living works -- the development of the new man --...

1:13:16 Learning the Fear of God

Learning the Fear of God

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

This sermon studis the specifics of what constitutes the fear of God -- the learning of which is one of the primary reasons that the people of God observe His holy festivals. The fear of God is far more, and different than, what many people might think it is.