
58:12 Speaking the Truth in Love

Speaking the Truth in Love

Given by Ralph Levy

The Scriptures exhort us to "speak the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15). But is it possible to speak the truth without loving? Or to speak lies in love? And if so, what is our standard as followers of Jesus Christ?

1:02:05 Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual Maturity

Given by Doug Horchak

We mature physically and emtionally with the passage of time as humans. However, what does God's Word say about "spiritual maturity"? What does God's Word say about one who is spiritually mature?

1:03:06 Our Special Calling

Our Special Calling

Given by Doug Horchak

Many in the Christian world believe they are called and converted. However, what is involved in God's unique calling of His people? The scripture shows the very unique and special involvement that God has in calling us to be a part of His Church.

1:16:38 Peter's Training and us

Peter's Training and us

Given by Clyde Kilough

The training Peter received that helped him grow into the powerful Apostle and leader in the early Church God intended him to become.

1:03:08 How Do You Get From Rom 8:7 to Phil 2:5?

How Do You Get From Rom 8:7 to Phil 2:5?

Given by David Johnson

Scripture tells us that Christianity is a journey from the carnal mind to the mind of Jesus Christ, and its ultimate goal is something called perfection. Can a converted Christian be carnal? And how can I ever hope to be perfect? The answers to these questions can be both sobering and encouraging. Given 01/26/2013 by Mr. David Johnson.

1:08:28 Is it Sin to Eat in a Restaurant on the Sabbath?

Is it Sin to Eat in a Restaurant on the Sabbath?

Given by Ralph Levy

Many Sabbath-keepers have been troubled by this question: is is sin to eat in a restaurant on the Sabbath. This message provides a thorough biblical examination of the question.

54:18 If Sin Is So Bad-Why Does It Seem So Good?

If Sin Is So Bad-Why Does It Seem So Good?

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

How does the "old man" -- human nature -- rationalize sin? How does what leads to death appear to be the way to live life?

44:55 How Unleavened Can a Person Be?

How Unleavened Can a Person Be?

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

Holy Day message about a Christian internalizing humility which is typified by unleavened bread during the Spring Holy Days.

55:28 Living in an Unleavened World

Living in an Unleavened World

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

What would such a world look like? How would it operate? What would hold it together? Would you like to live in it?