
53:54 The Pursuit of Life

The Pursuit of Life

Given by Steven D. Moody

The whole purpose of the Bible is summed up in 2 Corinthians 6 verses 17 and 18 where it shows us that God desires to be our Father and offers us the opportunity to be His sons and daughters. There is one criterion that we must meet to receive the inheritance God is offering. When we examine the criteria we see that it deals...

1:15:50 Take Heed No One Deceives You

Take Heed No One Deceives You

Given by David Johnson

When Jesus’ disciples asked him when the end-time prophetic events would come to pass, His first words were, “Take heed that no one deceives you.” From these words it is clear that religious deception and confusion will be common in the end times, and that even God’s chosen servants need to give special heed to that warning. How can...

54:54 Lessons from the Life of Timothy-Part 2

Lessons from the Life of Timothy-Part 2

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

Part two of a series on lessons from the life of the young evangelist Timothy.

58:53 Raising Children is a Godly Manner-Pt 2

Raising Children is a Godly Manner-Pt 2

Given by Dave Myers

Part two of a two part series about child rearing based on God's model for family interaction.

50:30 The Golden Rule-Christ's Most Neglected Teaching

The Golden Rule-Christ's Most Neglected Teaching

Given by Ken Treybig

There are many teachings and commands given by Christ for Christians. One of the most fundamental about how to treat your neighbor is rarely followed for long and is the root of many disagreements and even wars.

1:11:10 The Many Faces of Pride and Vanity-Part 1

The Many Faces of Pride and Vanity-Part 1

Given by Mark Winner

One of the most consistent battles every human being faces is the battle against vanity yet most people do not realize that it has many faces. What does that mean? It means that pride and vanity shows in a variety of ways, many of which are rarely seen.

1:15:02 The Patience and Faith of the Saints

The Patience and Faith of the Saints

Given by Ralph Levy

The time of trial to come on the world will be the worst time in human history. Yet God gives His people encouragement to assist them through that time. Here is the patience and faith of the saints.

1:10:34 The Law, Part 4

The Law, Part 4

Given by Eric Evans

What laws apply to now? How do we know which ones have been changed? We will be discussing these in this sermon today. Did the offerings of old cover sin? Was the priesthood changed? We will see which laws were changed and which ones we still keep today.

58:31 Raising Children is a Godly Manner-Pt 1

Raising Children is a Godly Manner-Pt 1

Given by Dave Myers

Part one of a two part series about child rearing based on God's model for family interaction.