Given by Doug Johnson
What are some of God's commands about His "appointed feasts" and church services on His "holy times?" Doesn't He command us to rejoice and to share in fellowship with Him, with His Son Jesus Christ, and with each other? Who would want us to disobey those commands? What are we going to do about it?
Given by Dave Pennington
Given by Caleb Froedge
Technically salt does not lose it’s saltiness so what did Christ mean when He said, we are the salt of the earth and if salt loses its flavor it is good for nothing? What are some of the qualities of salt and how does this pertain to our calling? What spiritual qualities must never fade away with us?
Given by Dave Myers
Repentance is critically important for entrance into the family of God. What is it and what must we do?
Given by Ken Treybig
Human relationships are complicated so it's no wonder Jesus taught about them. In fact, Jesus guaranteed us there would be problems in this realm. Let’s look at that instruction today, and see what lessons we can glean from it.
Given by Phil Sandilands
Given by Nathan Willoughby
Given by David Johnson
When the apostle John told the brethren to "test the spirits whether they are of God," he was writing to a church much like the church today. A close study shows us he was not talking primarily about spirit beings but about attitudes. Christians are admonished to make sure the attitudes they are receiving are really godly. How...
Given by Matt Pavlik
Split-Sermon It’s been going on for a long time - the notion that we should think for ourselves. This lie began in the Garden of Eden and continues today, gaining strength with time. What does the Bible tell us about thinking for ourselves? Is this a virtue to be commended or a twist of truth to guard against?