Given by Jim Haeffele
Understanding faith in our daily lives. How to strengthen faith by believing God and associating with others who share your faith.
Given by Joel Meeker
In the Middle Ages a list called “the Seven Deadly Sins” was composed. One of those sins is sloth. Could sloth, laziness, really be that deadly? What does the Bible say about it, and how can we avoid it?
Given by Tom Kirkpatrick
We study the parable of Matthew 20:1-16, for applicability to members of God's Church in current times.
Given by Eric Evans
God's law given to man shows man how to live a happy, productive life. God did not do away with the law as some have thought, rather He magnified the law.
Given by Tom Kirkpatrick
Dr. Kirkpatrick focuses on the history of several Kings of Israel and Judah and clealry shows that only those that trusted in God's promises and not their own strength were the ones who best succeeded especailly when all against them liiked very bleak.
Given by Dave Myers
How can you tell who is right? Is it a matter of opinion? Or is there a standard?
Given by Mark Winner
Second of two sermons about judging. God requires us to "judge righteous judgment." We must judge, or we don't grow.
Given by Dennis Kuhns
What is the heart of a servant? How did Jesus Christ model this for us?
Given by Mark Winner
What does the Bible really say about judging? Is "non-judgmentalism" the ultimate virtue? Or should we in fact make judgments, with a right understanding of the Word of God. Part one of a two-part series.