
The Call of God and the Parable of the Sower

Given by Paul Carter

The first step to becoming a Christian is answering the call of God. The scriptures reveal that God's calling inclines one's mind to believe and desire to change, but not everyone responds the same way. The parable of the sower illustrates different responses to the word of God that people may have when their minds are opened to receive the truth.

The More Real God is to us the More Deeply Converted we Will Be

Given by Mark Winner

In order to become what we need to become, we must know who God is, that He exists, and how He wants us to think.

Money, Finances, God and You - Part 2

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

How can we summarize the Bible's teachings on the subject of money and the handling of money, for someone who wishes to please and obey God, and ultimately enter His Kingdom?

Motivated by the Gospel of John

Given by Jack Hendren

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Given by Tom Clark

Cain’s defiant response to God after he killed his brother has been echoed by men all through human history: Am I my brother’s keeper? There is a mixture of truth and error in this statement. Do we understand the difference, and recognize our obligation as our brother’s keeper?

Galatians and the Law

Given by Paul Carter

In the Bible, did Paul say that we are under the law or under grace instead? Contrary to popular belief, a biblical understanding of law and of grace reveals that the law of God and the grace of God are not mutually exclusive. Learn what the Bible reveals about the purpose and roles of the law and grace.

Members Should be the Most Positive People

Given by Bernard Hongerloot

This year Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate her Diamond Jubilee. She is not the only royalty that is to be celebrated. We are royalty in the making!

Israel’s Heart of Unbelief

Given by Jeff Baker

Examine example of Israel's unbelief in 40 years of wandering and how it applies to us.

Money, Finances, God and You-Pt 1

Given by Tom Kirkpatrick

Two current views on how man thinks about his relationship to God through the medium of money. To be continued.