Young Adult Leadership Weekend 2024

Now that we’ve started promoting the exciting upcoming event, we’re getting some great questions and feedback. Following are some answers and comments.

First, know that we want this to be a super engaging, fun weekend where you will connect with like-minded leaders and learn how to use your unique abilities to inspire, encourage, and serve others as Jesus Christ did. You will leave pumped up and motivated to act!

Q: What does the theme “Facing the Wilderness” have to do with me?
Some of the greatest heroes in the Bible did not develop into their full potential until they faced the wilderness. We all face times when we feel a lack of direction or purpose. We face times of testing. In these times we can hone our skills, draw closer to God and prepare to grow. Throughout the Bible and across history, great leaders are forged in times of uncertainty, loneliness, suffering, and training. The very same applies to young adults today as we face our own wilderness. We hope that you will join us for an inspiring and valuable weekend.

Q: Where is YALW being hosted?
All activities are being hosted at Camp Copass, a summer camp and retreat facility on Lake Lewisville, about 40 minutes north of DFW airport.

Camp Copass
8200 E. McKinney St.
Denton, TX 76208

Q: What can we expect?
This will be a camp-style retreat. Attendees will sleep in dorms, eat meals together in the cafeteria, learn together and have a wealth of time to connect and have fun.

Q: Why is this weekend valuable to me?
This weekend will offer an incredible mix of fun, connection, and engagement. Not only will you have the opportunity to connect with other young people who share your beliefs and can relate to your challenges, you will also hear inspiring messages, practical presentations, and be invited to hone some of your own skills. You will be challenged to sharpen your ability to understand, talk about, and live by God’s Word. We’re working to build a weekend that develops leadership in action.

Q: When should I arrive/depart?
Check in: Friday, Aug. 30, between 3 and 5 p.m., dinner at 7.
Depart: Monday, Sept. 2, by noon.

Q: I am married. Can I stay with my spouse?
No. Women will stay together in the women’s dorm and men will stay together in the men’s dorm. There are no couple’s rooms available for this weekend.

Q: What is included in my $200 registration fee?
Registration includes three nights of housing plus three dinners, three breakfasts, and two lunches (meals from Friday evening through Monday morning and snacks). It also includes admission to all of our on-site social activities and classes.

Q: What if I’m still hungry, can I bring (more) snacks?
Yes! Every dorm has a large gathering area in the center with a kitchen.

Q: Is alcohol allowed?
No, Camp Copass is operated by a Baptist organization and prohibits all alcoholic beverages.

Q: What social activities can I expect?
Your favorite camp activities! Games, firepits, miniature golf, sports, swimming, an Amazing Race competition, team-building activities, lots of laughter and camaraderie, and more!

Q: Will there be a service project?
Yes, more exciting details coming soon.

Q: Are kids allowed?
No, unfortunately, there will be no on-site babysitting provided, so please make arrangements for your children.

Q: Why is there such a broad age range? Aren’t young adults 18 to 25? Why aren’t you focusing on them?
Members between 18 and 40 are part of the next generations that will increasingly take on the mantles of leadership in the Church. Different age groups usually have different priorities. For example, younger adults are looking to finish education, define a career, and start a family; older adults, on a successful track, are looking for stability and, perhaps, more ways to get involved. We will lay a biblical foundation that applies to all and will also have breakout sessions for specific groups.

Furthermore, a broader age range increases the opportunities for iron to sharpen iron, for more lasting relationships to be built and, hopefully, for mentors and mentees to connect.

Q: Why is there a cost for this weekend? Isn’t the Church sponsoring this event?
The Church is contributing generously to support this event. The charge, considering all that is covered, is very reasonable. Experience teaches that people value what they invest in. Campers pay a fee, FI students pay tuition, and many FOI projects require volunteers to cover some costs. You are welcome to make payments in the portal up until the event.

We have worked very hard to make this a great value, so you get a lot of bang for your buck!

Having said that, we don’t want finances to keep anyone from coming. If you need some assistance, let us know at yalw@cogwa.org. While we cannot guarantee financial help, we will consider every situation and work with your pastor to see if there is a solution.

If you are able and would like to sponsor a young adult to attend the 2024 YALW by paying his or her registration fee, please send an email to yalw@cogwa.org.

Q: I live in the area. Can I just day camp or come for Sabbath services?
The Young Adult Leadership Weekend is an all-Inclusive experience. One of the most exciting features is the fellowship and connections made possible by all attendees being in one setting. We are unable to adjust the fee if you are able to attend for only part of the event. Even if you have to leave early or arrive late, the weekend will still be of tremendous value.

Q: Is this just like a teen camp but for young adults?
No, it is a learning retreat for adults. We felt getting all of us together in a fun setting for a weekend would give us the best opportunity to build social and spiritual connections.

We are planning learning sessions, hands-on exercises, fun activities, shared meals, and free time so you can draw closer to each other, God the Father, and Jesus Christ.

Q: Is this primarily a “singles” event?
The YALW is primarily an opportunity to learn and grow together, but there will be lots of young people gathered together who share the same values and same interests, and we hope new connections are made and previous connections strengthened. A benefit of having the YALW at one central location is that you will meet young adults—in various stages of life and relationship status—from all over the U.S.

Q: Why should married couples come to this event?
Married couples, you might think of this as the cheapest get-away date weekend. Where else can you find a four-day, three-night all-inclusive resort for $200? A side benefit is that you won't have to fight over the sheets because you will be … in separate dorms.

But seriously, becoming an effective leader is a lifelong journey. You are never too old or too married to learn. In addition, you are wonderful, positive role models for the younger adults, and they will benefit from being with you.

We need your support and your experience! This weekend will include a number of discussion groups and more open presentations. Parents of young children will appreciate connecting with others who are also taking on this challenge, but they also have a perspective that our younger adults want to hear.

Register Now!


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