Where Will I Be When I Hear the News?

Given by Larry Lambert
Columbia, Missouri

Some of the most shocking news reports that we have heard in our lifetime were the breaking news reports surrounding the 9/11 terror attacks. Most adults can remember exactly where they were at when they heard the news that a plane had crashed into one of the twin towers in New York. There is another event that will occur in the future that will be even more traumatic and shocking. That event is the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Some of God’s people will be counted worthy to escape and flee to a place of safety. A very important question to ask ourselves is “Where will I be when I hear the news that it is time to flee?” Not where will I be physically speaking, but rather, “where will I be spiritually speaking?” This sermon takes a look at Jesus’ instructions in Luke 21:36 in relation to a place of safety.

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