The Potter and the Clay

Given by Mark Whynaucht
Columbia, Missouri

God wants us to grow to the place that we're able to transfer those worries and those anxieties to His list, God's "to do" list, and we can trust Him to help us work through them. But that takes time, that takes learning, that takes maturity to be able to do that and do it well. But understanding that God is the Potter and that we are the clay is important. We will reach that final point where God is complete, [His work in us is complete], if we allow God to use His skill and His power to mold us into the beings, the people, the children, and the character that He wants us to be. And I hope that all of us can say along with Isaiah, "O Eternal, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You are the Potter; we are all the work of your hands."

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