Marriage, Part 1 - What and Why Is Marriage

Given by David Jackson
West Palm Beach, Florida

Marriage--A Divine Institution Ordained of God Love, Friendship, Love, Marriage, Love, Death, Love. That was way too long and too confusing for a title to the series. Hence the acronyms of LFL-M-LDL. Ultimately this is a series about love which is the character of God (God is love), and through this series, we will touch on multiple aspects of the divine institution of marriage. The series will be multiple parts spanning over several months, but I want to take the time to be thorough and purposeful in our study. The goal is to improve current marriages and increase the likelihood of successful marriages going forward. I wish I could wave a magic wand to produce and more perfect and happier marriage because I would start by waving it at myself and my wife, but that magic wand doesn't exist. Possessing knowledge doesn’t equal a happy marriage; a happy marriage requires work, and during this series, we will define many aspects of that work.

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