43:12 Be Found by Him in Peace

Be Found by Him in Peace

Given by Gary Summers

In 2 Peter 3:10-14, the Apostle Peter tells us to be diligent in 3 things. One of the 3 is to be found by Him in peace. What are some areas of our life that we should pursue peace? We will look at just 3 areas of life where we can pursue peace, so we can be found by Him in peace.

50:26 The Debtors' Prison

The Debtors' Prison

Given by Chris Moen

A Biblical principle on forgiveness that comes into particular focus as we near Passover each year. We explore the parable of the king who cancelled a large debt owed him (Matthew 18:23). The keynote verse is "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you" (Matthew 6:14).

58:55 The Conversion and Restoration of Peter

The Conversion and Restoration of Peter

Given by Larry Neff

Peter had the makings of a great leader but needed to be humbled and converted. He was brought very low when he denied Christ three times and learned his dependence on God and Christ. His attitude became one of a very humble and converted individual but he was deeply depressed because of the denials. Christ restored him with three questions...

46:43 Your Body, But God's Temple

Your Body, But God's Temple

Given by Dave DeHart

Our body as a temple of God should be a shining example reflecting God's way of life to all those that we come into contact with in our day-to-day lives. As dedicated, devoted Christians, fulfilling our duty to put to death the things that dishonor God and live as shining examples to others is truly something that God understands the...

52:44 Building Brotherhood

Building Brotherhood

Given by Mike Beyer

This message highlights the importance of brotherhood. It presents three building blocks to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and unity as we prepare for Passover.

57:59 Spiritual Photosynthesis

Spiritual Photosynthesis

Given by Caleb Froedge

As we approach the Passover we are reminded of the help we need from Jesus Christ in order to grow, change, and bear fruit. In order bear fruit we must first be willing be in the light.

55:59 Why Do We Observe Passover?

Why Do We Observe Passover?

Given by Mark Winner

As Passover approaches, it is important we consider why it is we observe the evening. Is it simply our heritage or is there more to it? Let us consider this as we prepare.

1:07:11 Depend on God Every Day

Depend on God Every Day

Given by Jim Franks

Life is hectic, and trials will come. The lesson from God’s Word is for us to depend on Him every day and not just cry out when something bad happens.

1:14:34 Colossians 1:15-22 - The Supremacy Of Christ, Part 2

Colossians 1:15-22 - The Supremacy Of Christ, Part 2

Given by Arnold Hampton

Jesus Christ is the image of God. He is God. He is the Creator over all things visible and invisible and He is the sustainer of all things. He is supreme. Jesus is the head of the church, and He controls the church. The church must be connected to Jesus Christ to receive the commands of God.